X-Spect Medical Physics Services
We provide Medical Physics services for Dental & GP practices, Private Hospitals, Veterinary practices and educational establishments in Ireland. All work is supervised by a registered Radiation Protection Adviser (RPA). We also provide RPA services for Industrial Radiography.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Personal Dosimetry in Dental Radiography

The RPII issued new guidelines on Dosimetry in Dental Radiography in May 2011. Under these new guidelines, mandatory personal dosimetry is no longer warranted for dental radiology where a risk assessment, performed by the RPA in conjunction with the dentist, indicates that operators (staff or students in third level education) are not expected to receive doses in excess of 1.0 mSv/year. If you are using personal dosimetry and/or you want to determine if it is warranted in your dental practice, you should request your RPA to perform the necessary risk assessment.